Highlight on Eagle’s Core Values: Passion

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At Eagle Print Dynamics, every employee from leadership to the warehouse is held to the guidance of three essential core values: a commitment to unshakable ethics, rock-solid dependability, and passion for delivering results to our customers.

In previous months, we shared how Eagle Print demonstrates the principles of Ethics and Dependability. This article pulls back the curtain on what being Passionate means to us.

Finding the Right Solution

“Printing and promotional products are considered a commodity business,” says Eagle’s Vice President of Sales, Andrew Carte. “Let’s be honest… with today’s technology, anyone can go online, find the item they want, and click to order it. But is this the best and most effective solution to meet their goals?”

With more than three decades of branding and marketing experience, Eagle Print Dynamics has the expertise to research and recommend the right branded product for the ideal use at each company’s events, customizing solutions to match their specific customer demographics. As a result of collaborating with our team, you can avoid giving away an unengaging item that gets tossed in the trash or forgotten in a drawer. Instead, finding the right solution means selecting that special product that will be valued and treasured by your organization’s target customers and prospects—as they wear or use it regularly, your brand will continue to gain exposure and goodwill over time. That’s the power of Passion!

In fact, Eagle is so passionate about finding the right solutions for our customers that we make a point of staying on top of the latest trends. We invite vendors and manufacturers to our office once or twice a week to showcase their newest, most excellent items, so our team can see and touch the samples for ourselves. This experience gives us firsthand knowledge of the products’ characteristics, quality, and sensory feel far beyond viewing a two-dimensional image online, making us more confident about recommending them to a customer.

“In that sense, we are more like an ad agency than a print shop—our team gets very creative in zeroing on the best branded item to match your demographics and set you up for success,” explains Carte.

Passion in action: Recently, a customer asked us to place an order for 40 podiums through an online vendor that we had never used before. Because it was a new kind of project involving large, costly items, we wanted to ensure that the customer would receive exactly what they wanted. We placed an initial order for only one podium as a proof so we could review the finished product before completing all 40. While initially resistant, eventually the customer realized that it could turn into an expensive mistake and agreed to start with a single test podium, which allowed us to avoid risk and perfect the final product.

Going the Extra Mile

For Eagle Print Dynamics, good enough is never enough. Our associates consistently demonstrate the value of passion by going above and beyond, delivering the highest level of excellence.

Passion in action: Recently, we delivered a shipment of staff T-shirts to one of the Royal Family Kids camps, which is a long-time client with multiple locations. Because the vendor had combined several different brands, the shirts were in various shades of purple, which was not acceptable. As a result, we sent those shirts to a different camp that didn’t mind, then searched for and found a brand that could supply the sizes he needed in all the same shade of purple. They were able to turn the order around in just a few days, and everyone was pleased.

Another company came to Eagle for an award show gift bag on short notice. After our team’s initial suggestions were rejected, we came up with another winning idea. The tight deadline had no margin of error, so we rushed production (over just a couple of days). There were several imprinted products to coordinate, including a water bottle, Chapstick, a small personal fan, and a note card, all in a drawstring bag. Everything needed to be delivered on a Friday so our team could pack and ship them on Monday for the show. When FedEx delayed two of the items and said, “Sorry, there is nothing you can do,” Carte refused to take ‘no’ for an answer. Led by his passion for delivering the customer’s shipment on time for their event, he drove directly to the FedEx facility to pick up the packages—even though he had been expressly told on the phone that wasn’t allowed.

Customer Relationships

Our passion for sustaining good business relationships is demonstrated by showing customers how much we enjoy working with them. This can be as simple as saying “Thank You” or “You know, I love working on this project with you, and I hope everything turns out well.” Eagle associates are expected to always maintain a friendly, helpful, positive attitude in person and over the phone, no matter how difficult their customer interactions may be.

“It’s the little things that make a huge difference—especially avoiding negativity while resolving any incidents that come up, to keep customers contented in all ways,” Carte says.

Passion in action: CEO Tim Smith has a current customer who wants to order this year’s Christmas gifts far in advance—a wise decision given the current supply and shipping challenges. “While the person I usually deal with is fine with doing everything virtually, the company’s owner is old-school and prefers using printed catalogs. So, I’ve taken the time to locate vendors that still produce holiday gift catalogs and collect them for our client. He is very grateful and feels appreciated as a customer.”

Put Passion to Work for You

Doesn’t your company deserve a strategic printing and branding partner that is passionate about finding the right solution, goes the extra mile, and truly enjoys working with you? Contact Eagle Print Dynamics to learn how we can be of service; schedule a consultation or call 714-978-2200.

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