Case Study: Electronic Video Book

DocMagic Virtual Book

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Client: DocMagic, located in Torrance, California, is a leading national provider of documentation technology for the mortgage industry.

DocMagic has been a valued, loyal customer of ours for many years. They approached us with an idea to captivate their prospects by mailing them a video presentation about their Total eClose™ mortgage closing platform. Getting video into someone’s mailbox used to be the stuff of science fiction, but today it’s not only possible, it can be done in style.

Through a collaborative brainstorming process, we designed a complete package in the form of a book ending with DocMagic’s video presentation.  The goal was to deliver an upscale gift designed to grab the recipient’s attention with the sort of “wow” factor you don’t see every day. 

Our team designed a beautiful, custom gift box to cradle the book and its charging cord. We also printed a custom-sized, four-page brochure on parchment paper that feels elegant in the hands. When recipients reached the last page of the book, DocMagic’s two-minute video would play automatically on the integrated, preprogrammed tablet. 

Through our full-service capabilities, Eagle printed and assembled all the necessary components in-house, then shipped the final products for DocMagic. We even bought special gloves, so our employees wouldn’t leave fingerprints on the book’s black, soft-touch cover. DocMagic was extremely pleased with the final outcome, which further cemented our long working relationship.

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