Giving Back Is In Our DNA

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At Eagle Print Dynamics, service to our community is an integral part of our mission and vision. From discounted printing to financial donations and volunteering, we take giving back seriously. 

This month, we talked to Eagle CEO Tim Smith about the company’s past, present, and future of giving, and how a culture of philanthropy is woven into the Eagle DNA. 

Giving by Doing

Eagle supports many Southern California charities, both monetarily and with discounted or free services. But we don’t stop there.

For one, Eagle pays its employees a full day to serve at a charity of their choice. Tim described the program as an overwhelming success, not only because of the services the employees are providing, but also the enrichment and sense of giving they experience. There are far too many examples to list, but here are just a few of the ways Eagle employees are giving back.

The mountains are calling

This summer, Tim and three other Eagle employees will travel to the local mountains to volunteer with Royal Family Kids Camp, an organization that serves foster children through local churches. The organization promotes resilience, self-esteem, hope and positive memories for children who have experienced relational trauma.

Tim, who has volunteered at the camp for years, explained the genuine changes he and other Eagle employees have witnessed first-hand.

“These are kids who don’t get vacations,” Tim said. “Some of them don’t even know where they’re going to be living week to week.”

Tim remembered one girl who was experiencing a deeply difficult living situation. She was depressed and possibly suicidal. “This kid was down and broken,” he said.

Each day at the camp, the girl would open up a little more, first making a friend, then eventually opening up to the counselors, and finally by the last day, splashing and laughing in the pool with her new friends. 

“We saw a transformation in that little girl,” he said. “To see such a change was powerful. There are so many stories like that.

This year, the Eagle cohort will travel to the camp for birthday week, when kids at the camp will get to enjoy bounce houses, dunk tanks, face painting, and more. 

Transforming communities

Eagle regularly works with Olive Crest, a nonprofit organization of child-advocacy experts working to stop the cycle of poverty, despair, and violence for families in crisis. Eagle Print supports the organization financially and with discounted printing services, but again, it goes deeper than that.

“They will be participating in a back-to-school event,” Tim said. “We will have eight Eagle employees volunteer to help fill backpacks and do other prep work to get the kids school ready.”

Eagle also supports Lot 318, which provides academic and family support to at-risk youth who may otherwise end up in gangs. 

Tim was inspired by the work they did in the city of Placentia. 

“They were babysitting kids after school so parents could work so their kids wouldn’t get involved in gangs,” Tim said. “Lot 318 completely transformed that city.” 

A group of Eagle employees is currently planning a trip to volunteer at Lot 318.

100 Companies that Care

Looking for new and innovative ways to give, Eagle recently partnered with 100 Companies that Care, a nonprofit organization connecting Orange County businesses to maximize corporate giving.

Tim saw a unique opportunity to give back in a new way.  

“It’s an exciting way for charities who maybe don’t have big corporations backing them to still receive substantial support.”

With 100 CTC, smaller companies pool their money, then vote on which organizations and causes to support.

Looking inward

And it goes beyond giving—and volunteering—outwardly. 

To cultivate and promote a culture of philanthropy to the community, Eagle leadership knew they had to start by first supporting their own.

To that end, Eagle proudly employs the company Marketplace Chaplains, who meet with our employees, listen to their concerns, and even pray with them when requested.

“We’ve noticed that morale is higher at the company because the employees have someone to talk to, almost like a counselor,” Tim said. “Our staff works through stuff—from child raising to marriage issues—without us ever knowing about it.” 

It’s in our DNA

How has such a culture not only survived, but thrived, at Eagle?

To Tim, it’s an easy answer that’s based on his Biblical faith. 

“Me and the other owner are born again Christians,” Tim said. “Helping the poor, being generous, showing love and kindness to the world—all of that is in our DNA.”

If you’re interested in working with a strategic printing and branding partner that supports their local community, look no farther than Eagle Print Dynamics. Contact us to learn about our range of services, from printing and custom merchandise, to branding and design services. Schedule a consultation or call 714-978-2200. 

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